Escape Rooms.



We developed a smart escape room with direct input from our client. We accomplished this by using IoT solutions to make the room programmable and each individual puzzle remotely controlled.


To replace traditional electronics with a new generation of cheaper connected solutions. As well as developing a customizable platform to monitor and control the room. 

Project details.

In under 2 months, we designed and developed the online platform as well as a variety of custom puzzles with Internet access and Bluetooth capabilities. The system is now easy to maintain and can be updated before each game (difficulty, different scenario, order of the puzzles, etc.) by simply dragging and dropping blocks through the web-based platform. 

The system also keeps track of each game. It is possible to enable an automatic difficulty level mode where the game will automatically update the difficulty of each puzzle according to the performance of the teams. We also developed a Database control app for the system.